Area rugs are art for your floors

Area rugs are small carpets in various fibers, textures, shapes, and patterns, usually 5 X 8 or 8 X 1 in size.

Like broadlooms, they add warmth, comfort, and style but, unlike wall-to-wall carpet, they don't stretch across an entire room and are portable enough to easily be picked up and carried from one room to another. So, when you come into our store and see a "rugs for sale" sign run, don't walk to check out our outstanding inventory.

Standard rugs vs. custom

At our area rug store in Oak Ridge, TN, you'll see an assortment of rugs, such as one of our newest additions from Karastan. Stock rugs come in standard sizes and shapes. Rooms, which often have baseboards, moldings, and sometimes even door sills, aren't perfect squares, so if you see something you love but it won't fit, buy it anyway, bring it to us, and we'll have it cut and sized to fit your room.

Custom rugs are also a great idea if you have a design in mind or if you want to create something unique, like a birthday message or logo. It's also a way to save money because you can cut up that worn rug and use it as a mat.

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Use area rugs to:

  1. Reduce noise: Ever notice how some rooms have an echo? That's because there are all hard surfaces, such as wood. Fabric eliminates echoes because it catches vibrations.
  2. Warm-up a room: Tennessee does get some winter cold snaps from Arctic air. In addition, it can be rainy, which will make it feel colder. When that happens, a small rug will trap the warm air and make the room feel cozy. On the other hand, summers can get brutally hot, so you can always pick the area rugs up, store them, and then reuse them when necessary.
  3. Add style: Layering is prominent right now, and you can either add some bold color and pattern or use it to one down and already highly designed one. You can also section off corners of a room for a library, home office, eating area, or even a small bedroom.

Finally, be sure to place them correctly. Ideally, the rug should be large enough to fit under significant pieces of furniture (such as sofas, chairs, and tables) with 12-to-18 inches of the bare floor in eyesight. If it can't fit entirely under the furniture, anchor the two front legs with the bare floor still in sight.

Shop at our area rug store in Oak Ridge, TN

Learn about this floor art at the Creative Carpet & Tile showroom in Oak Ridge, TN. If you live in or near Oak Ridge, TN, Farragut, TN, Clinton, TN, Kingston, TN || Knoxville, TN, stop by anytime. Explore our area rugs and let our staff show you some of the great things you can do. Also, ask about our free quotes.